Caps of 2020, Where Art Thou? The Year in Review

2020 has been an interesting year to say the least. For those of us that still prefer to buy made in USA MLB on-field player's caps, the pandemic has made buying them a bit more complicated. With the closure of New Era's plant in Derby, NY in June of 2019, you can no longer purchase "what the pros wear" in stores other than what was remaining in stock. My plan from here on out is to purchase team issued caps directly from the teams. A made in USA Giants cap I purchased at the team store at Oracle Park. Any nook and cranny you could peek through to see inside the ballpark was tarped off. The sky was gray and full of floating ashes from California's horrendous summer fires. 2020 was as surreal as it gets. From what I have been told, the last caps that the Derby plant made were for special event games in 2019 (Memorial Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, 4th of July, the All-Star Game Workout/Home Run Derby caps, and certain "turn back the clock" caps....